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Call for Blogs by the Collective for Environmental Action, National Law University Delhi


The Collective for Environmental Action, a student initiative on environmental issues under the auspices of the Centre for Environmental Law, Policy and Research, National Law University, Delhi is inviting submissions for its flagship environmental law and policy blog on a rolling basis.

About the Centre for Environmental Law, Policy and Research

The Centre for Environment Law, Policy and Research, established in August 2016, seeks to promote legal education, research and extension activities in the field of Environmental Law.

The Centre aims to take up projects that shall herald the confluence of academic and expert insights on environmental issues pertinent to contemporary times.

A major goal of the Centre is to support academic and policy-oriented dialogue that paves the way to critical insights and constructive outcomes in the area of environmental law.

About the Collective for Environmental Action

The Collective for Environmental Action, launched under the aegis of the Centre, provides an avenue for the student body to channelize efforts on environmental issues, with special emphasis on policy and climate change issues.

The collective, while closely cooperating with the Centre, aims to raise awareness about climate change, through regular reading circles and the CEA blog, amongst others.

The collective, in the near future, plans to conduct an e-survey of the carbon footprints of higher education institutions across India, starting with the Delhi-NCR region.

About the Blog

The Blog is centred around environmental law and policy, with special reference given to the emerging discourse on Climate Change. While such is the primary intention, the blog also encourages and considers work that cuts across multiple disciplinary streams on the given subject matter.

The intention behind such interdisciplinarity is two-fold. First, the blog does not wish to be exclusionary in limiting the vocational background of the authors. Second, the blog wishes to expose readers to a wider array of information to be contemplated and engaged with. Hence, we invite the student body to contribute to the blog.

Submission Guidelines

For general rolling submissions, the word limit is 800-1000 words.

  • For special calls, the aforementioned word limit may be modified.

  • Authors are required to send an abstract and a brief about themselves along with the article.

  • Co-authorship of up to two authors is allowed and encouraged.

  • Submissions should be the original work of contributors. In a case, where a submission is found plagiarized, the article will be summarily rejected.

  • The author is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of statements of facts, opinions, or views in submission.

  • In submitting the article, the author/s undertake that such article has not been published before and would not be published in any other publication.

There is no bar on the themes of the submitted pieces. The author can submit on any themes, as varied as

  • Interaction of Environmental Law and Corporate Law, Contemporary issues arising in the field of Environmental Law.

  • Impact of Public International Law on climate change.

  • Critical Analysis of Major Court decisions and how they impact the growth of the country.

  • Critical Analysis of policies of different state governments and Municipalities any topic related to the environment.

Formatting Guidelines

  • Font: Times New Roman; Size,12; Line Spacing:1.5. Paragraph Spacing:0-6.

  • The authors should hyperlink relevant sources in the text. Where hyperlinks are not possible, consistent endnotes in either the Bluebook or OSCOLA are permitted. endnotes must be kept at a minimum if at all.

  • Submission must only be in a doc/docx format. The file name must be “Title_CEA Blog”. The short title must capture the essence of the submission and should not be longer than ten words.

  • Metadata of the file or the submission body must in no event disclose identification of any kind, including the name and institutional affiliation of the author.

  • Submissions must be made only by filling in this Google Form. Submissions made through any other medium will be summarily rejected.

Contact Information

  • In case of any queries related to the blog, please write at blog.cea[at]

  • In case of general queries regarding the collective, please write at cea[at]

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Jay Mason
Jay Mason
Nov 17, 2023

Certainly! The "Call for Blogs by the Collective for Environmental Action, National Law University Delhi" is an exciting opportunity for individuals passionate about environmental issues to contribute their insights and perspectives. It offers a platform to engage with legal aspects surrounding environmental conservation and sustainability. This initiative aligns with the growing importance of legal frameworks in addressing environmental challenges. If you're someone interested in sharing your thoughts on these crucial matters, this call for blogs provides an excellent avenue. Additionally, while navigating the legal landscape, it's essential to stay informed about various aspects of law. Mike Fareell Wrote about it here. On a related note, individuals in Florida can conveniently stay on top of their legal responsibilities by using PayFLClerk…

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