Submission Guidelines

General Guidelines
For general rolling submissions, the word limit is 800-1000 words.
For special calls, the aforementioned word limit may be modified.
Authors are required to send an abstract and a brief about themselves along with the article.
Co-authorship of up to two authors is allowed and encouraged.
Submissions should be the original work of contributors. In a case, where a submission is found plagiarized, the article will be summarily rejected.
The author is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of statements of facts, opinions, or views in submission.
In submitting the article, the author/s undertake that such article has not been published before and would not be published in any other publication.
There is no bar on the themes of the submitted pieces. The author can submit on any themes, as varied as
Interaction of Environmental Law and Corporate Law, Contemporary issues arising in the field of Environmental Law
Impact of Public International Law on climate change
Critical Analysis of Major Court decisions and how they impact the growth of the country
Critical Analysis of policies of different state governments and Municipalities any topic related to the environment.
Formatting Guidelines
Font: Times New Roman; Size,12; Line Spacing:1.5. Paragraph Spacing:0-6.
The authors should hyperlink relevant sources in the text. Where hyperlinks are not possible, consistent endnotes in either the Bluebook or OSCOLA are permitted. endnotes must be kept at a minimum if at all.
Submission must only be in a doc/docx format. The file name must be “Title_CEA Blog”. The short title must capture the essence of the submission and should not be longer than ten words.
Metadata of the file or the submission body must in no event disclose the identification of any kind, including the name and institutional affiliation of the author.
Submissions must be made only by filling in this Google Form. Submissions made through any other medium will be summarily rejected.